Is Silence always Powerful?

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People say stay silent
Silence will always help you win
Silence can help you win things that were never even meant to be yours!

Do you think this is true?
Does Silence really possess that much power?
Through my experiences- NO.

I agree and believe through the ages Silence has helped people win many battles. I know silence which is often underestimated in a world that values noise and constant stimulation, stands as a powerful force with the capacity to heal, connect, and strengthen.
But does it always prove to be a powerful force?
No, not always.
In everyone’s lives there surely would have been some such moments where you wanted to make things happen but they wouldn’t because you stayed silent. You thought “Oh, let my silence help me win this over”. But did it actually help you to win or was your silence taken to be a submission and just like that your desires were forgotten, even by you?
Certainly the latter one, right?
That’s why I say Silence is not ALWAYS powerful!

Let me narrate a story for you all of a little boy I knew, who always wanted to do things for “himself” but never did or to put it in clearer words, “killed his desires by keeping silent”, WHY?
Because as a child he thought whatever his elders told him was right and on top of it, he always wanted to be his “PARENT’S FAVOURITE”!
Little did that poor guy knew that he was paving a very difficult way for himself from day 1 of being silent and accepting things the way they were. Being silent, giving no fights, and accepting things became his habit. But today, he is a fully grown-up, wise young man who finally wants to live life according to his wishes. He wants to go to a different country and settle down there, where everything is according to his wishes, where he will be happy!
He forgot he always stayed silent and let silence win his battles and get things for him which never happened. He forgot that since he had never given a fight, this wouldn’t be easy for him, he would be silenced again.
Guess what, Yes, he was suppressed again! He couldn’t go to his dreamland.
He is happy today but still regrets why he developed this habit of being silent since childhood!

So friends, often we sit down thinking our silence would help us get out of a situation or get you something. At times that might be helpful but not always.
Silence is very simple, but can sometimes be misinterpreted. In the absence of verbal communication, others may fill the void with assumptions or may think that you have surrendered , which might lead to strained relationships.

I would say take silence as a refuge for introspection, but never make it a breeding ground for unresolved issues. Avoiding necessary conversations and concealing one’s thoughts and emotions behind a wall of silence often lead to a buildup of tension and unspoken grievances.

So never overvalue silence, it can hinder progress and personal growth. In professional settings, the reluctance to voice opinions and ideas may impede innovation and hinder collaboration.
In personal relationships, the fear of confrontation might prevent necessary conversations for mutual understanding and growth. In these contexts, the power lies not in silence but in the courage to speak up and contribute actively to the discourse.

My dear readers, I know silence holds undeniable power in various aspects of life, but it is essential to recognize that there are situations where it may fall short or even contribute to negative outcomes.
True empowerment lies not just in the ability to remain silent, but also in knowing when to break the silence!


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